Tuesday 19 March 2013

What Is the Price You Are Willing to Pay to Build Your Own Home Outside Your Comfort Zone?

Many contemporary people face the challenge building their own comfort zone in a foreign country; whatever the reason of leaving their home, it is very subjective perspective to what makes the place feel like home. Among all the personal considerations there are some who relate to visuals of the place, there are some who relate to scent of the place, there are some who relate to a vibe place awards and there are some who feel home in the places their favorite material thing resides.

It is no secret that many emigrants leave their home countries searching for a better place for life. Fascinated and driven by photos, videos from the Net and/or adventurous stories from friends people move to those “better places”. It does not take long to realize the other side of the picture that is being concealed behind the scenes and many get familiar with the feeling “it is always better in the place where I am not”. 

So I am here to ask: “What is the price you are willing to pay for the better life?”.

No doubt the majority of youth start exploring other countries for easy money: summer jobs, temporary placements with high pay, work and travel opportunities and other. Inevitably they broaden their perspective to life grounds and values and realize there are so many other ways to live than the way they learned at home. Fascinated by the new experiences and cultures, they involve in many different activities that keep the blood pumping and head spinning. They become the ones who tell those exciting stories and introduce unfamiliar to their home-countries. However, in the long run many face that chasing the new becomes a continuous search for searching the old. 

Speaking with emigrants one would mostly hear that “pan-cakes are never as tasty as they are at Grandmothers”, “bread is never as tasty as it is at home” and many other. This I would interpret it as reaching out to something from the past, something painfully familiar.

Needless to say emigrants have to start from the scratch when they first move to the strange country: new home, new routines, new legislation, new environment, new people, and new culture – every of the mentioned takes much effort and energy to get friendly with. With time emigrants settle in and sort of blend in to the mass, however, regardless of the social or legislative protection only few can feel entirely equal part of the system. Exactly when new and exciting things become rather old and routine dilemmas of opportunity costs kick in: is it worth to get such money for a price of not being close to the root-Family? Is it worth replacing old social circles with the new? Is it worth to be in a beautiful sights for a cost of trading your own countryside and? Is it all worth to always be the stranger? Is it worth the time of learning the new in comparison to the same time being used to make it work in your own country? 

Observations tell that many choose to live under basic living standards: high pay – rather short working hours, convenient – uncomfortable accommodation, fun and adventurous – strange and unsecure friendships, fast – long lasting turn of events. However, only few consider the comfort they are sacrificing when staying abroad. One can only wonder on a personal scale how much monetary value does a Family and root-Friends are worth.

What is it that people are actually running away from? And can they ever be happy?

At the end of the day, most of the emigrants want to make up for what they have been missing out on in their own country. However, the weight of building your own home in a strange country might be just as heavy as the burden of staying in the birth-country. 

Sooner or later, roots will call You back!

Here are some pictures of different Viewpoints in Vilnius, Lithuania, 21 03 2013:

Gediminas Castle Viewpoint

Subaciaus Viewpoint

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Second Christmas in March. Happy SKAT day!

SKAT in Danish can mean few things. In every-day situations SKAT for “darling” and SKAT for “taxes” dominate all the other interpretations. Hearing “darling” is always a melody to ones’ ear; however, “taxes” might evoke a hurricane in ones’ blood.

March – the month when Danish government has re-calculated tax-schemes for everyone in the country who has any income. And this is the “pay-back” time for either a tax office or an individual. I guess this is a good joke for everyone, who knows what is going on behind the lines of weird tax-names. My observation proves to see very many confused faces when looking to the yearly tax-sheets and it actually counts for both: danes and foreigners.

Beginning of March appears to be tensed month. Just like Christmas – the reaction to the “newsletter” shall reflect whether one was a good or a bad person that year, this time is going to come despite the fact you are ready or not, people talk about it all the year, everyone is excited and eager to know what are they going to get this year and only few can truly explain how did this actually happen. 

What happens in most cases is that right after everybody has used their chance to “sit on Santas’ lap” – hold the line for hours on the virtual queue on the due day, the exciting moment comes out “unwrapping the gift”. And just like every kid, we think we have behaved and shall be rewarded for our efforts and with a big smile on our faces look intensively to the numbers in the screen. 

Regardless of the content inside we will let our family and/or closest friends know about it and raise discussions on what did we or we did not do to deserve such reward. In sadder cases we will turn to those little elfs, also known as tax-office-workers, to seek for reasoning and we will do our best to prove them that we were supposed to be listed under column “the good kids”. However, how much can an elf do; they are there just to collect, wrap in and deliver everything what was earned within the year. One should not be surprised to hear the following: “This line shows how much we expected you will be giving to us. This line shows what you gave us. And this is the result. For further information, please, contact Santa”. 

The question lies now: where to find him? Who is the right person to contact? Is there somebody who knows all about and exactly how to do it right?

One for sure, it is working somehow: streets are clean, education and medical care is for free, administrative offices are working and etc.

So keep it up. Do follow the salary papers and income sheets. The more you know, the better prediction you will have and the lesser surprise you will receive.

Next stop – feriepenge! ;)

Thursday 28 February 2013

Danish Bus Experience - Roberta's take

Getting on and off the local bus must be a regular experience for a regular citizen, however, being a foreigner in Denmark one might find particular cultural aspects in passengers’ behavior.

Yes, people might prefer taking the single seats for the journey and one might think that this behavior is a sign of “leave me alone/stay away”. On the other hand, have you noticed that this might be followed by the rule “stand on your right, go on your left”? and those people might have just taken a single seat because they’re about to take off soon anyways and standing for a while turns into sitting in a single seat. In addition, I’ve noticed multiple times groups of people getting on the bus and sitting in clutches: taking both sides of the bus and talking to each other as if they were sitting around the table – so how is that for a “silence is the golden rule” and an unsocial behavior? I very rarely experienced the time in silence in a bus. More so, whenever I would find myself lost or in need of some guidance I would just turn to the closest person and if not him/her then the driver would get me on the right track, most of the times it would end up turning into a little discussion about the best possible way for me to reach that place between me, the driver and couple of people who heard my concerns and joined in.

Aarhus is a smiley city – it’s even the cities’ logo! And who said smile is a bad approach to a stranger. It is actually a positive note and kind expression towards a strange fellow passenger. Moreover, it is a positive signal for a possible open conversation about weather. I would rather smile in silence than sit with no face at all.

Danes do enjoy being private but it works as a respect to others, also I think that everyone once or twice has felt like staying with his/hers thoughts in the early morning or after a tiring. Let those people be, there are plenty others who are ready for an easy chat. 

I have more positive experiences to a negative ones when taking a bus: once I jumped on a bus, was all scattered, was running late, just managed to jump in, jacket still unbuttoned, hair still all over, make-up totally ruined because of all the sweat. Was rushing to take a seat to fix myself for the meeting I had to attend. So I took a seat and a women sitting in the single seat turn to me and says: “you look like a very friendly person”. My eyes got big from the amusement and she continued: “I thought this would be nice for you to know, so decided to tell you”. My day could not have gotten a better start!

Yes, maybe letting older people to get seated is not in their culture so much as it is in Eastern part of Europe, but people are friendly on the bus. They will give old lady a hand to get on the bus, drivers will wait another second for you to jump in and will cash your 100kr. bill to the coins, otherwise, give you a ride for free, people will help mothers with children and the tour will most of the time end with a bus driver wishing you to have a nice day! 

What is there more to ask for a ride in a regular bus?!

Monday 10 December 2012

INDIA videos

I thought I will post videos that I made from the short video-msgs to my family here.
Enjoy ;)

Video nr.1

Video nr. 2

Video nr. 3

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Tas jaudulys! - Pirmasis laiskiukas pakeliui i Indija!

Tas jaudulys, tai ką aš žinau.. :)
Naktį atsikeli po porą kartų pasitikrint atsispausdintą popieriuką (kurį atsispauzdinau tikriausiai mėn. prieš pačią kelionę), kur parašytas išvykimo laikas, su mintim: „Vdruk, pasikeitė!!“ . Tai gal šiek tiek ir jaudinuosi.. :)
Iš esmės jaučiuosi gerokai pasiruošusi: vizą – turiu, bilietą – turiu, skiepus – turiu, visokio skrandžio blogavimo tablečių – turiu.., pasą – turiu.. pinigėlių numatytoms išlaidoms – turiu, nenumatytoms – taip pat.. draudimą – turiu.. Ko neturiu, tai Šeimos ramybės.. ;) Norėčiau, kad maniškiai jaustųsi daug ramiau dėl šio mano išvykimo.. Na ir kas kad toli ;) Niekas nesako jog ištikus nelaimei negalėsiu grįžt namo ;) O kadangi tokių ir nenumatau, tai nematau dėl ko čia ir jaudintis. Džiaugtis čia reikia. Turiu puikią progą pasižmonėti, pakeliauti, pamatyti naujos kultūros.. Esu gerai nusiteikusi, sveika, prie nieko nepririšta – ko dar ir norėti.
Su visais sėkmingai atsisveikinau, taip net neatsisveikinau prieš išvykimą į Didžiąją kelionę - Daniją. Visų pasiilgsiu. Visus norėsiu pamatyt.., tačiau esu įsitikinus, Mylimi manęs lauks iki sugrįšiu ;)
Bučkis visiems!

P.S. si laiskiuka radau pasislepusi kompiuteryje.. Ji rasiau, greiciauisia belaukdama savo skrydzio, Kopenhagos oro uoste, arba pries einant miegot dar beviesint pas Moniakyte Kopenhagoje.. 20 09 2011 ;)

Sunday 23 October 2011

1 month anniversary ;)

Hello Everybody! ;)

Now, let's sing all together - Happy One Month, Roberta! :)

Must say, this month was full of everything!
Loss of precious things! Cultural shock! Homesickness! Exploration! Excitment! Happyness! Surprises! Amusement! everything..
My most used word: ''different!''

Last week I have poisoned myself mistakenly by mallaria pills.. not that I had enough of them already.. - I overdose.. But the stick has two ends, right? So I stayed up all night and could catch up with some of you :) Time difference makes it much harder to get to people and hold connections.
Keep in mind - true connections never break! ;)

I do not know whether I have mentioned.. But it was some time ago I had to decide where I come from :) It's only natural when people meet me for the first time, they ask where I am from.. And I was really confused!! Initially - Lithuania, praktically - Denmark.. this answer would only confuse others.. beause then I had to explain what and why - who cares :P.. And then I found it hard to make my mind up! It's actually been 1/4 of my file that I spent in Dk.. and have created other chapter of my life in there.. whatever I have become, Denmark had left a mark on that and it would not be fair to jsut cross it out, moreover, if not experience in DK, I would have never ended up in India :).. On the other hand, Lithuania - my Mother Land! That's where I grew and developed main values and principles for life! I would have never been who I am if not LT...
Anyways, after all I decided I come from Lithuania.. This is what it says in my passport :) Not only for that..Cpuple of days ago I was asked: '' so when you are finished with India, you're going home, right?'' This triggered me in a weird sence! and I replied: ''I do not have home''..
I left LT a while ago, I do not even have my own bed there..All my social-world is built in Dk, I got nothing to hold on, but my Family!, and in DK -.. friends only..and some stuff that I was not able to pack with.. and the only bond there - university!
So my  mind is in both laces! neither I have true home here :P Just people I count on..
Then, I received a good counter-question: ''where is your heart?''
I got no questions afterward..
So from now on :) I come from Lithuania! The small country, everyone refers to Russia.. so I always picture it as a neighboring country of Poland, first.. :) and if people are in doubt, mention Germany and Baltic sea.. and then.. Russia..
At least this way I will spear the word about little cute country in East Europe.

So.. within a month I have got a lot - cultural knowledge, self observation and development.. I do meet nice people and they are so open and friendly.. I try to be as honest to them, as they are to me and it works out fine so far.

It is definitelly a highly spiritual land - one might get so good comments from a total stranger! People seem to be more genuine, not that superficial!

I am always invited to some parties :) of people I barrely know..

Sometimes I pose to people :) because they ask to get picture of me with their children or husbands (the strangest thing). But they are harmless..

So.. I started horse riding course ;) Now trying to get to the stable three times a week!
After training I have a possibility to join for walleyball match! treid once :) OMG! :D
The first ball broke my nails! The second I just missed :D the third flew so fast, I did not notice how it flew into me.. No wonders, I was playing with strong men! who play walleyball every night! and are very very good at it!
My possition was at the second line in the corner :) the guy in front of me was trying to step on my toes, so I was backing off.. and he'd take all my balls! :D so at the end of a match I started getting cold :) Later, I got some chances to take the ball..(out of pitty or something :D) I did pretty well (that's what I have heared afterwards :P) The thing is that they are so into the game, so passionate that I hold a responsibility not to let my team down... and they fight for every point! (actually the rules are little different, too :) they do not change the possition when take over the ball from other team, and there's only couple of guys who serve! well.., their field - their rules ;) ) So.. with all the preasure.. and lack of confidence :) and broken nails :D I left the field with my head as hight as it could hang :D
Next time, as I was offered, I will leave my head home :) and just play :) if I get the ball :D

So.. kinda exploring further and creating new network.. One girlish in aerobics :) other, malish - at the stable.. Neither of places are visited by other gender! The aerobics - because of the rules! it is strictly only for women.. and it has its own beauty of it :) and the stable - just that it is perceived that women should not mix in.., depending on a cast, position, etc.. so this way I get little bit of both :)

So, I am still enjoying high service here :) in a very good places I receive super-service.. with drop off to other destination, etc.. (but because of the network, I guess that is not too common, anyways) and I would not trust every shop owner.. etc.. I am naive.. but have some sence..
So.. I still spend a lot of money for souvenirs.. but many of them, decide to keep :D so.. too bad for some of you.. I do promise to replace them somehow..
One for sure, I will get another luggage for my flight back and I will very much need your help carrying everything home..!

One more interesting thing.. I was kinda sceptical about all the astrology and everything, but once I appeared to be in this environment and had heared some reasonable stories, decided to try it out myself.. So.. now my horoscope is about to be build according to the planet locations, etc! and I had my first palm-reading experience! Telling you... not always very pleasant.. and if you think knowing it all is helping a lot - you might be wrong.. I just got confused! well.., life is what it is.. and I will continue the path.
For all the curious ones - I will be fine ;) will be happy at some points, not too happy at others. You'll see ;)

But all in all.. I am trying to mix in ;) getting little tan :) clothes! looking forward to my first trip to Agra and Udaipur ;) (other two tourist beloved destinations I have never been to..) and my B-day is comming..! :)
I expect people, who really love me - to show up at the door :) (kidding ;) )
I had a chance to try making a cake here! Not everybody liked the taste, must say... but give the circumstances and tools :) I did really, really good job! :) and I loved it :) so fresh! so easy! creamy! soft and wet! :) jsut perfect! They are used to dry and tasteless! :P (have tried some 'chocolate' ones... could not feel much of a taste..) mine was probably too tasty :D
Not bragging, just pointing the taste differences here.. I will probably not be surprising them with good-taste-dishes made by me, anyways.. the tastes are so different.. however much i will try, they will need more chilli! and salt! or chappati (roti, the bread) on it :D

I am having a good experience here.. ;)
Hugs for all who cares!
Missing You!
Missing My People! :)*

Saturday 15 October 2011

The horse shed!

Oh.. and today (15 10 2011) I got a brilliant chance to visit the horse shed and see the horse polo!! ;)
Here is how the horse shed look down here..

 The horse polo!
Apparently, polo and horse sport has royal roots on the culture, therefore it is still considered to be very prestige..., moreover, hore has a significan meaning in hindu mithology: Hayagriva is a God of knowledge and wisdom and is pictured with human body and horse-head, all in pure white! (later I realised that white horses are much more expensive than regular brown or grey horses.., mithology does have to do a lot with it.., on the other hand, white horses have greater strength, speed and stamina capacity, so one might wonder..).
Also, I noticed some businessmen having horse paintings or pictures on the walls as well as symbols on other business related attributes.. (interesting!)
All in all, not every regular man can afford this rather royal sport, moreover, it does look very classy and intelligent...
So.., the ones, who can devote time from their work get here to play in the very early mornings (before it gets too hot) and in the evenings (before the sunset) get together and have polo matches every day! (I want to look like one of them! such power! gooooood speed!)
It is actually a very nice club! Poeple here are very kind! and they are very friendly! Not only they play polo together, but also stay for valleyball afterwards..!

I loved the place and planing to join them any time soon! :) .. keeping my options open .. lai lai lai :)
I feel so lucky to know the hosts! They have an amazing network and all are trully nice people!
At the moment I arrived to the area, I was introduced by the place owner to all the staff members and best polo players, as well as the manager of the place and they were all so nice! and they told me I can come there as often as I want! and ride horses.. and spend time there.. get to know people! Extra activity in my schedule :)
I will definitely go there! Would be awesome if I learned to ride a horse! :) properly..

Cross your fingers for me! I will try to do my best to get there asap.. :) so I will need your minds for me not to fall down too hard :)

Hugs! ;)